Suds: May 16

Editor’s Note: It was a really busy weekend for all of us here at MwBC, so I would like to send my sincerest apologies for not giving you all what you deserve. We will be pushing this weeks Interbrew back a week and will unfortunately have to skip out on a Hoptellectual this week. We will be back to our normal posting schedule on Wednesday. Thanks to everyone who has checked the site even though there hasn’t been anything new to read!

So I got to spend a rather lovely weekend in Washington, D.C. touring graduate schools. I had a really boring beer experience (I ordered an IPA because I didn’t want to drink a lager, little did I know, IPA is code for lager in Maryland), but otherwise had some pretty stupendous museum experiences.

The National Gallery is home to some amazing artwork, but it is far too big for me to cover here in today’s Suds. Instead, I want to talk about a very small exhibit at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum that caught my attention. In the space wing, there’s a really nice collection of photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (you can see a full gallery on NASA’s out of this world website developed for Hubble).

Time is a difficult concept for me to understand, even if I’m determined to view it in a purely linear sense. In the Hubble exhibit I viewed, they had an image of an exploding star. I thought, “Oh, how cool,” and then I read the caption and found out that the star continued exploding for THREE YEARS. THREE FRACKIN’ YEARS! Unreal. Like most things in the universe, I’m at an utter loss for words. I guess all I can really say here is that time is relative…

Back to Earth and back to the beer. I had a pretty awful IPA experience, and the only thing that could make it better right now is a Hub City Pale Ale from Hub City Brewing in Stanley, IA. Delicious.

-Sad day: Pabst is moving its headquarters to LA. What’s worse is the irony of an LA Times reporter who probably spent plenty of days ironically drinking PBR (I have some “real” journalism experience, I know these things). Can you have too much irony?

-Last week was full of big political victories for little beer producers: Surly can sell beer on its premises (as well as any other fine Minnesota establishment), and Indiana brewers can brew a little more beer.

Putting the goat bock in Einbock. Too many puns? At least it’s a cool review.

Cigar City Papaya IPA. I’m afraid of whatever this is.

-Tonight, MN Homebrewers, learn more about sour blends. Total bliss.

-And tomorrow, pancake dinner at the Muddy Pig!

-Finally, Beer Here: Potosi Czech Style Pilsner.

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