Suds: April 13

Stanley Cup playoffs begin today, so let’s give credit where credit is due. Thank you, Minnesota. I promise the Hawks will not squander this opportunity. And for his diligence as both a Wild fan and a good friend, I’m going to send Brian a six pack of Three Floyd’s Robert the Bruce Scotch Ale. Seriously, that stuff is perfect.

Continuing along with the theme of giving deserved credit, let’s take a brief look at the genius behind The Kinks. Shackled by the oft ridiculous idea of the British Invasion (see The Rutles or A Hard Days Night for the extremes, both excellent films), the Kinks were able to establish their own identity amidst all the noise. “Lola” may have brought Ray and Dave Davies unparalleled fame, but songs like “A Long Way From Home” and albums like The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society asserted them as the band to beat artistically. Often witty, plenty poignant, The Kinks ran with what they had.

So give credit where credit is due, and crank Arthur or The Decline and Fall of the British Empire. Oh yeah, and grab a real good pub beer. Surly’s Bender will do nicely.


-“No no no, we definitely didn’t sell out” says Greg Hall as he soils a really great Chicago establishment, Bangers & Lace. No, he didn’t actually say that, he actually denied he was celebrating the buyout. Regardless, I can’t believe that story is real. Stay classy.

Congrats to Bangers & Lace for winning Time Out Chicago’s Best New Bar award! They run a great bar, and definitely deserve the honor.

-More Chi-town news: get ready for Revolution beers! And kudos to the Trib for publishing a few good beer articles in the past couple weeks.

-MN drinkers, you have no excuse to skip Town Hall this weekend. It’s going to be awesome.

-Steel Toe Brewing gets ready to open it’s doors in St. Louis Park, MN.

-I never did want to drink beer in seven ounce increments, which is probably why this publicity stunt is irrelevant and wasteful.

Thanks Cap Brew for helping the community! Now start making Supper Club taste like something other than Pabst.

Top 50 Breweries of 2010 by production.

-The father of Belgian beer in America, Pierre Celis, passed away. Our sincere condolences.

-And finally: Ghost Face Killah. That’s all.

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